New Prague lifters raise the bar at State

New Prague Weightlifting Team members Lander Wells, Alex Larson, and Mindy Bolar participated in the Minnesota High School State Weightlifting Championships on Saturday March 10, 2018 at Lakeville South High School.
Wells lifted in the JV Boys 77 kilo weight class and won this event. He lifted 98 kilos (216 lbs.) in the Snatch lift to set a new state record. He lifted 120 kilos (265 lbs.) in the Clean & Jerk lift and he had a total lift score of 218 kilos (481 lbs.), which was also a new state record.
Wells will be heading to the USAWeightlifting Youth National Meet, which is June 14 to 17 in Grand Rapids, MI.
Larson won the JV Boys 50 kilo weight class with 43 kilos (95 lbs.) in the Snatch, 53 kilos (117 lbs.) in the Clean & Jerk and an overall lift score of 96 kilos (212 lbs.).
Mindy Bolar came in....
To see more on this story pick up the March 29, 2018 print edition of The New Prague Times.