Garage sales galore
“This is our first year doing a garage sale,” said Eric Novotny, Saturday morning, May 11. He was among several people participating in New Prague’s Citywide Garage Sales. In his yard and driveway along NE First Street, he had many articles for sale.
“We’ve got clothes, electronics, cookware, you name it,” he said.
He and his wife had seen other garage sales and they decided to take part this year. Novotny noted another reason is they’re expecting a child. “We’re making room in the house,” Novotny said.
The sale also had furniture and several knickknacks.
“It’s been a nice day, not super windy or rainy,” Novotny said.
“This is a lot better than last year when we had pouring rain. This year we have lots of sun,” said Alaundra Ortiz who was one of a few people having garage sales along NW English Avenue. She said she had been very busy through the day.
(For the complete story, see the May 16 print edition of The New Prague Times.)