Travel to ‘Almost, Maine’ this weekend at NPHS
Katie Kasendorf and Cole Erickson rehearse a scene from “Almost, Maine.” (Patrick Fisher Photo)
Area residents can travl to "Almost, Maine,” although it won’t require booking a flight or a long car drive as it is New Prague High School’s spring play. In nine brief vignettes audiences can explore friendship, love and loss at the high school auditorium, 221 12th St. NE, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 6, and Saturday, April 7.
Ben Thietje is the director of the production that features about 30 students. Each small play, or scene, has two to three young actors with one to two more students guiding the scene as stage managers. Thietje said the stage managers are also the understudies for the scenes. Overseeing everything is the production stage manager Becca Ryburn. Thietje noted she has been active this year with the fall musical and the one act play. Each scene runs between seven to 10 minutes
“It’s a pretty good play. I love the humor,” said junior Wyatt Walford, who was in the fall musical. In this show he plays the character East in the scene “Her Heart.” He explained he finds a stranger in his yard with an odd reason for why she’s there. “She’s waiting for her husband’s spirit to light the way,” said Walford, adding that his character is confused through a lot of the scene, although it is an upbeat story.
Theater goers in the area may remember when New Prague’s professional theater group, DalekoArts, did this in its very first season. “I haven’t changed the script at all, but one big difference between the two is that DalekoArts only used a cast of four actors — of course, with the high school, I’m using many more students than that,” said Thietje about the two shows.
Thietje said the process for this play has been interesting. Since it is.....
To see more on this story pick up the April 5, 2018 print edition of The New Prague Times.