At the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the reopening of New Prague’s disc golf course at Southside Park are from left, Ken Ondich - City Planning and Community Development Director, Tracey Ziskovsky (New Prague Chamber of Commerce Ambassador), Austin Reville (2 If By Sea Tactical - chamber of commerce board member), Scott Sasse – City Building Official, Joe Halbmaier (community member), City Planner Kyra Chapman, Dan Jacobson (Bevcomm - chamber of commerce board member) and Carla Sticha (Keepsake Insurance - chamber of commerce board member). (Patrick Fisher photo)
Fri, 10/04/2024 - 12:22pm
The New Prague Chamber of Commerce and the city of New Prague held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, Friday morning, Sept. 13, to reopen the disc golf course at Southside Park.
The disc golf course had...